BELLANICE ARTEGERD "Lana" achieved so many dog show awards. She became a Junior champion of Slovakia and Czech Republic , Champion of Slovakia, GRAND Champion , Dogshow Champion, SUper GRAND Champion and INTER Champion C.I.E.
Unitil now she gained many titles: 17 x BOB, 5 x BOS, 14 x CACIB a 2 x res. CACIB, 21 x CAC, 4 x BOJ, 6 x CAJC, 1 x BIG3, 3 x nomination on Crufts 2016, 1 x nomination on Crufts 2017 and 2018, 1st place in the competition for the most successful exhibition dog 2015 in her breed and Club Winner MSAKO 2016, Club Winner SKPS 2016

KHYANNES BUCKSHOT "Bucky," because he comes from the working line connected with the show line, he has the potential to successfully score points in both areas.
Bucky is Junior Champion of Slovakia and Czech Republic, Champion of Slovakia, GRAND Champion of Slovakia. He has oppen INTER Championship and Champioship of Czech Republic
Unitil now he gained many titles: BIS2, BIG 3, 5 x Junior BOB,3 x BOB, 3 x BOS, 4 x CACIB 7 x CAJC, 10 x CAC, 3 x res CAC, Junior club winner 2016, Cruft´s qualification 2017, Winner of English pointing dogs BIS 1
Great thanks to excellent handling by Jitka Svobodová and Veronika Olešovská, that Bucky can open the way to his many champion titles.

ODETA OD ALPSKÉ PROTĚŽE "Odie" is a nice, very temperamental female. Since it comes from the Czech working line, its qualities are mainly in the field.
One of the first show successes in her hometown at the International Dogshow in České Budějovice where she got her first CAJC and Junior BOB and next awards 5x CAC, res CAC abd res.CACIB
We finished in February Slovak championship, and Odie is now a new Champion of Slovakia

LANAMORE ALPHA EDITION ANGELO "Angie" is a puppy from our first litter, with a great pedigree.
His first achievements began at 5.5 months at the Club Dogshow in Slavkov, where he won the VP1 title and won the Best puppy in Show
Gradually at other international exhibitions he won four VP1 titles. He finished his first championship- Champion of puppies.
His first CAJC he won in age 9 months and next award are 3 x CAJC, 3 x Junior BOB, 1 x BOB. In a short time he finished Junior championship and he is now Junior Champion of Slovakia.

COCO CHANEL LANANMORE LYMARKOS "Cocolka" won in puppy class 5 titles Very promising 1. She finished her first little title Champion of puppies.

In February 2018, Lana, Odie, Angelo and Coco finished their championships at International and National Dogshows in Nitra and Bratislava.
From this time, all the members of our lanamore clan are the champions.
Super GRAND CH Bellanice Artegerd "Lana"
CH Odeta od Alpské protěže "Odie"
JCH Lanamore Alpha Edition Angelo "Angie"
CH puppies Coco Chanel Lanamore Lymarkos "Cocolka"

Bellanice Artegerd - Junior champion of Slovak Republic

Bellanice Artegerd - Junior champion of Czech Republic

Bellanice Artegerd -Champion of Slovak Republic

United Dogshow of Slovakia pointers and setters club and Special Dogshow of FCI group VII.
May 22. 2016
Our awards:
LANA - Exc. 1, CAC, BOS, Club winner
BUCKY - Exc.1, Junior CAC, Junior BOB, BOB, BIS of English pointing dogs, Junior club winner, Winner of Challenge club cup
ODIE - Excellent
I am very proud of my beloved setters

KHYANNES BUCKSHOT " BUCKY" is new Slovakia Junior Champion
His Championship finished in National all breed Dogshow Nitra
on June 10. 2016
His awards - Exc.1, junior CAC, junior BOB

BELLANICE ARTEGERD "Lana" in Dogshow CACIB GRAND PRIX Slovakia Nitra on 11.june 2016 finished her championship and now is new GRAND CHAMPION of Slovakia
Her awards - Exc.1, CAC? CACIB, BOB

Our three weeks exhibition marathon ended a few more cups and medals to our collection
7 August 2016 Special Club Dogshow Kamenný Mlyn
Bellanice Artegerd "Lana" - Exc.1, CAC, BOB, Winner of Special Club show 2016
Khyannes Buckshot "Bucky" - Exc.1, CAC
Odeta from edelweiss "Odie" - Exc.2
13.august 2016 International Dogshow InterBohemia Mlada Boleslav
Khyannes Buckshot "Bucky" - Exc.1, CAJC, Junior BOB
20-21.august 2016 International Dogshow DuoDanube Bratislava
Day 1 - Bellanice Artegerd "Lana" - Exc.1, CAC, BOS
Khyannes Buckshot "Bucky" - Exc.1, CAC, BOS
Day 2- Bellanice Artegerd "Lana" - Exc.1, CAC, BOB
Khyannes Buckshot "Bucky" - Exc.1, CAC, BOS
I thank you dear handlers ,Veronike Olešovská and Jitka Svobodová, for a beautiful presentation of my darlings at the time of my health problems.
In IDS Nitra 14.-15. January 2017 Bucky finished his championship and he is now a new Slovak champion

In IDS DuoCacib Bratislava on 1.-2. April 2017 Lana finished her Interchampioship a she is first Interschampion in her breed in Slovakia