In expect puppies in May 2022 .
Flayr began to heat up, progesterone rising quite slowly, when he finally reached the mate value we chose after our mated Smoke. Unfortunately, in all our efforts, we have not been able to cope with this situation. Since another measurement of the progesteon showed that it is already very high, they decided to go for sure and we used to mate our Bucky, who is an experienced mongrel dog and already has several beautiful puppies in Slovakia and abroad.
Puppies are here:
2nd May 2022 were born 10 puppies
6 females and 4 males
We have all colors - blue belton, orange belton and tricolor
The parents are :
CH LANAMORE Faith Flame Flaviola "Flayr"
daughter of our Odetka and Darcyho.
Inter.CH C.I.E. KHYANNES Buckshot "Bucky"

more photos of Flayr is here:
First photo of our new puppies
Modrý psík - blue belton - Lorien

Žltá fenka - tricolor - Lorianna

Červená fenka - blue belton - Lillien

Oranžová fenka - orange belton - Lada

Zelený psík - blue belton - Leonard

Fialová fenka - tricolor - Lorellay

Čierny psík - blue belton - Lionel

Biela fenka - orange belton - Labella

Hnedý psík - orange belton - Liam

Ružová fenka - tricolor - Leylla