I am very happy with our beautiful and clever dogs.
Once again we experienced another triple success at the most prestigious Wold DogShow in Brno.
Our beauties succeeded in a number of registered dogs - IRWS 23 and ES 59.
Coco Chanel Lanamore Lymarkos - champion class - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS World Winner 2021
Lanamore Huge Hope Herriot - junior class - Exc.1, CAJC, Junior BOB, World Junior Winner 2021
Lanamore Diamond Dew Daenerys - open class - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, World Winner 2021
Lanamore Alpha Edition Angelo - champion class - V3

Our Lanamore kennel won in most prestigious Club Dogshow in Slavkov BEST Breeding group

BELLANICE ARTEGERD "Lana" achieved so many dog show awards. She became a Junior champion of Slovakia and Czech Republic , Champion of Slovakia, GRAND Champion , Dogshow Champion, SUper GRAND Champion and INTER Champion C.I.E.
Unitil now she gained many titles: 17 x BOB, 5 x BOS, 14 x CACIB a 2 x res. CACIB, 21 x CAC, 4 x BOJ, 6 x CAJC, 1 x BIG3, 3 x nomination on Crufts 2016, 1 x nomination on Crufts 2017 and 2018, 1st place in the competition for the most successful exhibition dog 2015 in her breed and Club Winner MSAKO 2016, Club Winner SKPS 2016

KHYANNES BUCKSHOT "Bucky," because he comes from the working line connected with the show line, he has the potential to successfully score points in both areas.
Bucky is Junior Champion of Slovakia and Czech Republic, Champion of Slovakia, GRAND Champion of Slovakia. INTER Champion C.I.E, he has open Champioship of Hunary and Czech Republic
Unitil now he gained many titles: 2x res BERST in SHOW, BEST in Group 3 pl. , 5 x Junior BOB,5 x BOB, 3 x BOS, 6 x CACIB 7 x CAJC, 15 x CAC, 3 x res CAC, Junior club winner 2016, Cruft´s qualification 2017, Winner of English pointing dogs BIS 1
Great thanks to excellent handling by Jitka Svobodová and Veronika Olešovská, that Bucky can open the way to his many champion titles.

ODETA OD ALPSKÉ PROTĚŽE "Odie" is a nice, very temperamental female. Since it comes from the Czech working line, its qualities are mainly in the field.
One of the first show successes in her hometown at the International Dogshow in České Budějovice where she got her first CAJC and Junior BOB and next awards 5x CAC, res CAC and res.CACIB.
Odie is Champion of Slovakia and
Slovakia Dog Cup 2017 -1st place, 2018 - 2nd place
Open Slovakia Dog Cup - 3rd place
She passed Hunting ability test T.A.N.
Hunting test in 1st prize
Hunting ability exam in 3rd prize

LANAMORE ALPHA EDITION ANGELO "Angie" is a puppy from our first litter, with a great pedigree.
His first achievements began at 5.5 months at the Club Dogshow in Slavkov, where he won the VP1 title and won the Best puppy in Show
Gradually at other international exhibitions he won four VP1 titles. He finished his first championship- Champion of puppies.
In years 2018-2019 he finished Junior Champion of Slovakia and Czech republic, Champion of Slovakia, GRAND Champion of Slovakia and Inter Champion C.I.E. He has open championschips of Hungary and Czech republic. He is Club winner and Junior club winner SPKS 2018, Club winner MASKAO 2019, Cruft´s qualification 2018
He won In Slovakia Dog Cup 2017,2018, and 2019 - 2nd place
in Open Slovakia Dog Cup 2018 - 3rd place
Angelo passed Hunting ability exam in 1 prize and has FCI working cetificate.

COCO CHANEL LANANMORE LYMARKOS "Cocolka" won in puppy class 5 titles Very promising 1. She finished her first little title Champion of puppies.
Cocolka became the Junior Champion of Slovakia in the summer of 2018 and in February 2019 she completed the title of Junior Champion of the Czech Republic, won the title of Champion of Slovakia, in early 2020 she completed the title of GRAND Champion of Slovakia and opened the way to the Hungarian Championship to achieve. She won the rare title of Interchampion C.I.E., and we also managed to win the title of Czech Champion. In Brno in October 2021 Cocolka won her most valuable title of World Winner.
She passed Hunting abilita test T.A.N. in age 16 months

REDMORE DEBBIE - came to us from the Czech Republic with her titles, which she got with Renata Rokusková, breeder of kennel Artegerd.
He is the Champion of the Czech Republic, the Champion of Slovakia, GRAND the Champion of the Czech Republic and the International Champion of C.I.B.
She passed Hunting ability exam in 1st prize and has FCI Working certificate.

LANAMORE FAITH FLAME FLAVIOLA "Flayr" - in 2021 she fulfilled the conditions for the title of Slovak Champion of Beauty
Despite three won CAC at Club show SKPS and two International shows in Nitra, got another Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB and BOS at International show Triple Dogshow Nitra 24.9.2021
On 10 October 2020 passed Flayr hunting ability test T.A.N.
The Korona period slowed us down and we chose to protect health in the safety of home rather than exhibitions.
Flayr holds a diploma from the T.A.N.

LANAMORE GREAT GRACE GORDANA "Gordy" - became Champion of Slovakia in 2021
She won nice titles:
On 30 October Passed Gordy hunting ability test T.A.N.
At Club show SKPS in Trnava 12.6.2021 -Excellent1, CAC, Club winner, BOB, BEST IN SHOW 4 - fulfilled breeding condition
At the MSKAO Club Show in Slavkov - Excellent 1, CAC
At the international show Triple Dogshov Nitra 24.9.2021 - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
For less than 10 months her age, Gordy passed the very demanding CACT tests of herds at the MSKAO in the 1st prize under the guidance of my friend Lenka.
Gordy managed to finish the championship in 2021 and get the title Champion of Slovakia
In 2024, 1,5 years after the birth of her first puppies, Gordana managed to complete the title of Grand Champion of Slovakia

FCI Working certificate of Gordy

LANAMORE HUGE HOPE HONESTY "Honey" - despite all the disadvantages of the corona, our Honey managed to meet the conditions and obtain the title of Junior Champion of Slovakia
She excelled at the Special Club Show in Trnava in Kamenný mlýn, where she won
Excellent 1, CAJC, BOS, Winner of Special DogShow and BEST IN SHOW 3
CAJC won other necessary ones at shows in Duo Danube Bratislava and Triple Dogshow Nitra
Excellent 1, CAJC, Junior BOB
Excellent 1, CAJC, Junior BOB and BOS

ROMAUNT IF I AIN'T GOT YOU "Nollen" - our English boy is very clever, in the summer of 2023 he managed to pass the T.A.N. talent tests.
At the Club Show in Radošin and two International Shows in Bratislava, he managed to win the awards necessary to win the title of Slovak Junior Champion
In the Slovakia Dog Cup competition in 2023, he managed to win 2x 1st place and once 2nd place
Nollen managed to win 4 CAC awards at two International Shows in Nitra and at the Club Show in Veľké Úľany and at the Special Show in Kamenný mlýn and thus completed his second championship and won the title of Champion of Slovakia
In January 2025, Nollen won the necessary 3 CACs at the show in Nitra to win the title of Grand Champion of Slovakia

LANAMORE MIGHTY MIRACLE MISSY "Miška" - won her first title in the summer of 2023 at the age of 13 months.
At the Club Show in Radošin, Kamenný Mlyn and two International Shows in Bratislava, she managed to win the awards necessary to win the title Slovak Junior Champion
In September, Missy passed the T.A.N. working test as the last breeding condition and became our new breeding female.
At the turn of 2024 and 2025, Misy managed to win the necessary 4 CACs at the shows in Nitra and Bratislava and became the new Champion of Slovakia

On September 15, 2023 at the age of 14 months Missy managed to pass the T.A.N. hunting test, an important prerequisite for breeding.

LANAMORE JINGLING JEWEL JADE- won many beautiful titles at International show St.Nicolaus Cup Nitra 7.-9.12.2023:
3x Excellent 1, 3xCAJC, 3xJunior CACIB, 2x Junior Best of Breed, 1x Best of Breed and 1x Best of opposite sex.
With these titles she fulfilled conditions for the title Slovak Junior Champion of Beauty.
LANAMORE NEW NOBLESSE NANETTE - our long-legged beauty won her first CAJC in June 2024 at the show in Nitra, where she also received the BOJ award
She had great success at the Club Show on May 8, 2024 in Veľké Úľany, where in addition to the CAJC she also won the BOS, BOJ and Club Winner of Juniors
She won her third CAJC for her first title at the International Show DuoDanube on August 17, 2024 in Bratislava and thus became the new Slovak Champion of Juniors
In the summer of 2024, Nanette managed to pass the T.A.N. working test as the last condition for entry into the dochov and thus became another breeding female in our clan.
At the turn of 2024 and 2025, Nanettka worked on herself and won the 4 necessary CAC titles and thus became the new Slovak Champion.

LANAMORE ROYAL REWARD ROSALIE- won many beautiful titles at International and club shows in 2024:
6x Excellent 1, 3xCAJC, 3xCAC, 1xJunior CACIB, res.CACIB, 1x Junior BOB, 1x Best of opposite sex.
With these titles she fulfilled the conditions for obtaining the title Slovak Junior Champion.
At the turn of 2024 and 2025 she participated in shows in Nitra and Bratislava. So far she has managed to obtain 3 of the 4 necessary CAC for the title CH SK and she finished her second championship in National Dogshow Bratislava on 28.February 2025 and is new Champion of Slovakia

LANAMORE ROYAL REWARD ROSMARY - won many beautiful titles at International and club shows in 2024:
4x Excellent 1, 3xCAJC, CAC, Junior CACIB, CACIB, Junior BOB, BOB a BOS
With these titles she fulfilled the conditions for obtaining the title of Slovak Junior Champion.
At the turn of 2024 and 2025 she participated in the show in Bratislava and by obtaining the CAC title she began the path to obtaining the title of CH SK