Our puppies of English Setters were born on 14.8.2019
We have 7 males and 3 females
The litter is called FAITH FLAME, which means the flame of faith that was batting in us while we were expecting the puppies and gave us the belief that everything would turn out well.
Parents are:
CH Dark Reflection Shadow Dog
CH Odeta od Alpské protěže
Parents are absolutely unrelated, which guarantees good health of puppies.
In their pedigree, the Czech work line connects with the American exhibition line, so I hope that everyone interested will find their own, whether for work or show beauty.
Odetka and Darcy fell in love and after a successful mating we hoped that she would really get pregnant, because after a previous unsuccessful pregnancy with another dog, I was a little worried, but still the flames of faith did not go out and the sono showed 10 beautiful little puppies. That's why I called this litter FAITH FLAME
The puppies are very interesting in color, although they are colored gradually up to one year, we are already showing 5 tricolors, 1 orange belton and 4 blue belton
Puppies were begetting and born naturally.
From this litter we kept Flaviola called "Flayr", which in 2020 became a breeding female.

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Daddy Darcy
Mom Odetka

Light blue male - tricolor - Fergus - reserved
Pink female - blue belton - Fallon - reserved
Red female - blue belton - Fayllin - reserved
Dark green male- tricolor - Flurry - reserved
Dark blue male - tricolor - Flynn - reserved
Light green male - orange belton - Fernan - reserved
Yellow male - blue belton - Fabio - reserved
Orange male - tricolor - Finley - reserved
Violet female - tricolor - Flaviola - reserved
Gray male - blue belton - Farwell - free