Iveta Kručayová


It all started with my great love for the setters. The first love in our family was Diana, the Irish Red Setter and her children Lord and Sirina. When they got older and some of them left us, I was looking for an adequate replacement.

I was charmed by “slackers” but at the same time I was looking for something similar, lively, with athletic body, long legs and eyes full of love. Discovered the Irish red and white setter and so was the new love in the world. Before she came, however, this was preceded by a long search for a careful breeder and litter with a suitable pedigree. All my requirements were fully satisfied by Artegerd kennel with breeder Mrs. Renata Rokúsková. There was a long waiting period for the arrival of puppies.

It took almost a year and my new love was born. On April 17, 2014, on the eve of my birthday, my long-awaited Lana, with the beautiful name Bellanice Artegerd, was born on Easter. We have a wonderful time together. Lana is very handy, perceptive, lively and dominant female. In the 11 months under the professional guidance of our friend, trainer and hunter Rasťo Strakoš passed the examinations of T.A.N. necessary for breeding and all other breeding conditions, such as compulsory club show and health tests, met in the 13 months. Lana became the first and only breeding individual of Irish red and white setter in Slovakia. Lana received very many show awards, partly thanks to my friend Simona Jordan, who consistently prepared us for most shows. Lana became Junior Champion of Slovakia and Czech Republic, Slovak Adult Champion and Grand Champion, we have finished Interchampion with C.I.E.

One year later, after Lana's arrival, come to us another male, English Setter, Bucky, full name Khyannes Buckshot appeared in our family , from the Hungarian kennel Timei Szőke. Love for him came as a lightning bolt from the bright sky just at the first sight of his photograph. After a long 6-hour and painful journey I could finally hold him in my arms. Bucky is a nice dog, he is good and calm. In the 13 months he fulfilled all conditions of breeding and became a stud dog. Since he was successful also at shows, Bucky became Junior Champion of Slovak and Czech Republic, Champion of Slovakia and GRAND Champion of Slovakia and got the highest title INTER Champion C.I.E

Two months later with your grcome to us Odeta od Alpké protěže, which we gently call Odie. She comes from Czech kennel full of beautiful dogs of breeder Jana Johaníková Bednářová. Odie also became show champion, became Champion of Slovakia, she was successful and rightfully, became breeding bitch by passing the working exam TAN, added to her success also passed the Dyeing exam in the 1st prize and exams in the 3rd prize.

Odie and Bucky fell from the beginning in the eye, they experience a lot of crazy and playful moments, during which they are also assisted by Lana. Their mutual affection is so obvious that we have decided in the future to turn them into parents of our little puppies. For Lana, as there are no breeding dogs in Slovakia, we are forced to look for a partner abroad. We believe her puppies will be as beautiful and pedigree-quality as she herself.

In November 2016 we managed the first litter of our Lana and Swiss dog Vistador Bohemian. The litter was called authentically "Alpha Edition". We have 9 beautiful and healthy puppies from this litter, from which we kept one dog named Angelo to carry Lana´s pedigree further. Other puppies we found great families in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and even in England. I believe that they will represent our kennel Lanamore with dignity. Angel also carries Lanina's line and is very show successful. From his childhood he won the titles: Puppy Champion, Junior Champion SK and CZ, Champion of Slovakia, Grand Champion of Slovakia and Inter Champion C.I.E.In

In August 2017 we added to our clip English Setter, beautiful Coco Chanel Lanamore Lymarkos, who is representative of the American show line. She is beautiful and exclusive female, comes from Czech kennel, owned by Ing Martin Kostelnik. Coco is our fifth dog in our clamp, she is very show successful, she is SK Champion, Junior SK and CZ Champion and Puppy Champion. In her 16 months she passed the working exam T.A.N.

In July 2018 our Lana gave us another 9 puppies, father is Austrian male Aron, official name Cu Conlaoch von der schonen Matte. I called the litter "Diamond Dew", because the love of these wonderful dogs is like dew, which moisturizes our soul in good and bad times. From this litter we kept female Delilah, who is very nice and temperament.

In March 2019 came to us from kennel Artegerd female Redmore Debbie. In June 2019 Debbie gave birth to her second puppies, whose father is Cornadore Allyn and and litter was called "Extra Elite" because parents are top show and working dogs, both Interchampioni.

In August 2019 our English female Odie gave birth to her first puppies. There were 10 of them and they made us very happy because they were extremely successful. My father is my friend Helen's dog named Dark Reflection Shadow Dog. The litter is called Faith Flame, because while waiting for the success of the mating and the birth of puppies burned us a small flame of faith, which assured us of a successful end. From this connection we kept a small tricolor Flaviola "Flayr", which is in alternate care with my friend Mirka from Bratislava.In October 2020, Flayr passed the T.A.N. and became a breeding female in our Lanamore clan.

In December 2019, our Lana gave birth to her third litter "Great Grace". The father of the litter is a young, promising dog from Bohemia Aron from the Drválov district. We had 12 beautiful puppies, 6 males and 6 females. Unfortunately, we lost one dog after three days. From this litter we kept Gordana, a very clever female.

In August 2020, another litter of Irish Red and White Setters was born, called "Huge Hope". The parents are Redmore Debbie and Eshare Explorer Artegerd, a dog from the same kennel as our Lana. 5 puppies, 3 males and 2 females were born. All puppies found excellent families, we kept a female named Honesty for our breeding.

In 2021 three more litters were born in our kennel from females Odetka, Delilah and Debbie. One litter of English Setters with six puppies  parents are Odetka and our Bucky, litter name is "Chosen Chance" and two litters of IRWS. Deli gave birth to five puppies, their father is Paddy - Eshare Explorer Artegerd, he is father of our Honey too. Litter name is "Imagine Icon"  Debbie and Angelo had only two puppies and litter name is "Kind Kiss" Unfortunately, we did not keep any puppies from these litters, but all of them have excellent families and two of them are very likely to continue breeding in our kennel and one puppy in a kennel in Austria, where was born her mother Debbie.

In 2022, we had three litters of puppies. Flayr and Bucky had their first litter together Lovely Love. We had 10 puppies in all colors, 6 females and 4 males. Debinka and Angelo had their second litter together Mighty Miracle, 2 females and 1 male were born. And finally Cocolka and Aramis gave birth to 6 puppies, 4 females and 2 males.

To make sure there weren't enough puppies this year, arrived little Nollen, an Irish red and white setter originally from England from the breeder Julien Barney, was added to our pack, his official name is Romaunt If I Ain't Got You 

From litters of Coco and Debbie we kept two sweet females Jade and Missy.

In February, our Gordy gave birth to a litter of 8 New Noblesse puppies, whose father is our Herriot, who lives in Czech republic with my friend Jana and her daughter Lenka. From that litter, little Nanette remained with us, who won my heart right from the start.

In April 2023, our beloved and beautiful Debbie sadly left us. She made way for little Nanette, her granddaughter, who in 2024 met all breeding conditions and is our youngest breeding female so far.

In May 2023, our beautiful Coco gave birth to 3 puppies, whose father is Purry, my friend Helenka's dog, imported from Russia. All English Setter puppies are orange. I named this litter Royal Reward and the sisters Rosalie and Rosmary remained in our pack. Their brother Ruben went to our foster Lorien to our friends in the east of Slovakia and remained in my co-ownership.

At the end of the summer of 2023, we used our IRWS fosters Honey and Angela in breeding. Their puppies were called the Pretty Passion litter and they did very well, they all found their homes right away, one of them Paige, traveled very far, all the way to England.

In the spring we decided to bring together Stellka and Kris, both of our fosters, and their love brought 8 beautiful puppies born exactly on Stellka's third birthday, the magical date of April 24, 2024. The puppies were born as my external litter under the auspices of CHS Lanamore, named Sweet Success.

Since the litter of Cocolka and Purry was extremely successful, I decided to use Purry once again in breeding for our Flayrka. Together, at the end of April 2024, 9 beautiful True Tale English Setter puppies were born in all colors and they all found excellent families abroad and in Slovakia.

In the spring of 2024, we sealed the love of Dylka and Nollen, and in May they had 9 IRWS puppies with the litter name Unique Uprate. One beautiful girl named Unella, also known as Nellka, stayed with us, and the others found homes in Spain, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia.

So this is the history of our birth and another way, after which our kennel LANAMORE goes, which we founded in honor of our beautiful Lana, the first breeding female. Her Italian-English origin is why we chose the name of our kennel for her name LANA and a multi-meaning mix of Italian word AMORE, which expresses our love for her, mixed with English MORE, expressing the desire for more as beautiful and quality individuals as she is alone.