In memoriam
ÍIrish red and white setter

Breeding femala in Slovakia and Czech republic
Multi CH Kearney-Kea Red Nokomis
Multi CH Redmore Amy Summy Momemnts
11.9.2013 - 19.4.2023
Awards and titles:
Inter Šampion C.I.B.
Grand Champion of Czech republic
Champion of Czech republic
Champion of Slovakia
Club Winner ČPSK 2017
Winner oif Specialy Clud Dogshow 2017
Hunting ability test in 1st prize
FCI Working certificate
Dysplasie HD A/B, ED O/O
Blood testes: wWd clear
CLAD, PRA rcd 1a 4 hereditary clear
Full dentition , correct bite
Second breeding female Irish red setter in Slovakia
Debinka was a nice and sensitive female, she is very adaptable and playful.
She came to us from the Artegerd kennel at the age of 5.5 years and adapted very well to our already six-member pack.
She liked to run on the lawn, roll around and go crazy, she was friendly, ran to meet everyone, wag her tail and was happy. She loved puppies and not only her own, she liked to play with them and chase them. She was always in the background and quiet, waiting for my attention. She had a special feeling for solving various situations. She was a unique female in our pack, like a flash of crystal clear love. Unfortunately, she was only with us for 4 years, but during that time she taught me many important things.
She was the mother of our Honesty and Missy and litters Extra Elite, Huge Hope, Kind Kiss and Mighty Miracle and grandmother of little Nanette, to whom she left her place to stay with us.
Sadly, our Debinka left us suddenly one April morning in 2023, just 5 days after being diagnosed with liver cancer at the age of 9.5 years.

Debbie celebrated on 11th September 2022 her 9th birthday

Debbie wish you Merry Christmas 2021 and Happy New Year 2022

Christmas 2020