In this section we will inform you what is happening in our kennel Lanamore, where we were, who we met and what exhibitions we attended.

Posts are saved so that the latest ones are up and older ones are down.
Click on the photos to enlarge!
With Rosalie, Rosmary, Jadinka and Nellka we participated in three shows in Bratislava
We brought home beautiful awards:
National show 28.2.2025
WinterDanube Bratislava 1. and 2.3.2025
I thought for a long time whether to register for this three-day show weekend with my girls Rosalie, Rosmary and Jade, given my health condition, but today I see that it was the right decision and I do not regret it.
Here is a recap:
LANAMORE Royal Reward Rosalie 28.2.2925-Exc.1,CAC - Ftitul Finished Champion of Slovakia
LANAMORE Royal Reward Rosmary
28.2.2925- Exc.1, CAC
1.3.2025 - Exc.2, res CAC
2.3.2025 - Exc.1, CAC, FCI CACIB, BOB
LANAMORE Jingling Jewel Jade
1.3.2025 - Exc.1, CAC, FCI CACIB, BOS
2.3.2025 - Exc.1, CAC
Nellka was at the show for the first time only on the sniffer, without competing she learned how it works at shows. She handled the environment and the noise great, she just avoided the intrusive sniffers a little. She needs a little more practice
On February 28, 2025, Rosalie, Rosmary and Nellka participated in the National Dog Show in Bratislava
We brought home beautiful awards:
Rosalie and Rosmary received Exc.1, CAC
Rosalie also completed her second championship - Slovak Beauty Champion
Nellka was at the dog show for the first time only on the sniffer, without competing she learned how it works at dog shows. She handled the environment and the noise great, she just avoided the intrusive sniffers a little. She needs a little more practice
On January 24th and 26th, 2025, we participated in the International Nitradog Carnival Cup Dog Show with Nanette, Rosalie, Nollen and Missy.
We brought home some great awards:
Lanamore New Noblesse Nanette - CAC
Lanamore Mighty Miracle Missy - 2xCAC, CACIB, BOS
Romaunt If I Aint´t Got You Nollen - 2x CAC, CACIB, BOB
Lanamore Roayl Reward Rosalie - 2x CAC
We won two new Slovak Champions, Missy and Nanette and a new Grand Champion of Slovakia, Nollen.
Another good news is that our Lanamore Unique Update Usally completed his first championship and became Slovak Puppy Champion.
I was also very pleased to meet his owners Klaudia and Erika. Sally performed beautifully. I am very happy with him.

And the show tamtams brought us another new message from Spain.
Lanamore Unique Update Ularry got a beautiful placement at the show with his owner, he was placed 1st in the FCI group in the puppy class on both days of the show. The owner is very satisfied with him and it makes me very happy.

On 19 and 22 December 2024, Jadinka, Nanette, Rosalie, Missy and Nollen took part in the Nitradog Christmas Cup International Show.
We brought home beautiful awards:
BOS, BOB, CACIB, 2x res.CACIB and 5x CAC
Lanamore Jingling Jewel Jade - Exc.1,CAC, CACIB, BOS
Lanamore New Noblesse Nanette - Exc.1,CAC, res.CACIB
Lanamore Mighty Mitracle Missy- Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Lanamore Roayl Reward Rosalie - Exc.1, CAC
Romaunt If I Ain´t Got You Nollen - Exc.1, CAC, res.CACIB
In addition, Rosalie opened the way to Slovak Championship and Nollen to Slovak Grand Championship
We met our foster children
Lanamore True Tale Tristan - 3X Very promising 1
and completed his first championship - Puppy Champion
Lanamore Unique Update Usally - Very promising 1
it was his premiere and he handled it very well
and that the successes are not few
Lananmore Unique Update Ulivia - in Lithuania she managed her first 3 exhibitions beautifully and became the Lithuanian Puppy Champion
so is her brother in Spain
Lanamore Unique Update Ullary - performed beautifully at his first show with an excellent rating and owner's satisfaction.
25. a 26.10.2024 we took part with Nanette, Rosalie and Rosmary in International Dog Show DanubeCacib Bratislava.
We brought home beautiful awards:
3x BOS, 4x CACIB, 1x res.CACIB, and 5x CAC
Lanamore New Noblesse Nanette - 2x CAC, 2x CACIB, 2x BOS
Lanamore Royal Reward Rosmary - 2xCAC, 2x CACIB, 1x BOS
Lanamore Roayl Reward Rosalie - 1x CAC, 1x resCACIB
Rosalie a Rosmary finished Junior CHampion of Slovakia
Daughter of our Angela and Debbie, Kris' sister
Lanamore Kind Kiss Krystal called Nala
has passed with her owner Michaela from Redmore Kennel
Autumn exams in 1 price
Nala is very clever and certainly doesn't let her successful brother Kris, who lives in the Czech Republic with my friend Dasha, shame her in her work.
And one more happy news from Angelo's sons - Kris and Dex from the weekend of August 17-18, 2024
While Kris was soaking in the reeds and water, passed the Water Work Examination and became a Huntingly useful dog for water work, Dexter won on the show field and with his BOB titles at the International DuoDanube Bratislava show he fulfilled the conditions and became the Grandchampion of Slovakia.
Our Angelo has some smart kids!!!
Also our other English offspring are doing well especially at shows
Our daughters Angela and Honey also can't be ignored and make me happy , Paige in England and Poppy in Czech Republic
17.-18.August 2024 we visited with girls Rosalie, Rosmara, Gordana and Nanette hot show at Bratislava racecourse DuoDanube Bratislava
Gordana and Nanette managed to finish their championships
Cordana - Grand Champion of Slovakia
Nanette - Junior Champion of Slovakia
Rosmary in junior class got - Exc.1, CAJC, BOJ
Rosalie also in junior class - Exc.1, CAJC, BOJ and BOS
3.August 2024 we took part with Nollen,Gordana, Nanette, Rosalie and Coco in the Special Club Show in Kamenný mlýn
We won beautiful awards.
Nollen - open class -V1, CAC - Finished the title Champion of Slovakia
Gordana - tr.champion - Exc.1, CAC, Winner of special show, BOS
Nanettka - tr. open - Exc.1,
Rosalie - young class - Exc.1, CAJC, Winner of special young show
Coco - tr.champion - Exc.1, CAC, Winner of special show
Ruben - young class -V1, CAJC, Winner of special young show, BOJ
Our Kris, son of Angelo and Debbie took part in the show and together with Daska he got in tr.champoionov - V2, res,CAC
Other two sons of Angelo Dex and Démant and daughter Caramelka z Drválovského revíru, with breeder JanaSedlákova got also nice awards
Dex - Exc.1, CAC, Winner of special show and BOB
Démant - V1, CAC - finished the title Champion of Slovakia
Caramelka - Exc.1, CAC - finished the title Champion of Slovakia
And one more relative, Bucky's son Jack, also did well and got title V1 CA

18th May 2024 on the day of Club show in Veľké Úľany our triplets Lanamore Royald Reward Rosalie, Rosmary and Ruben met and celebrated their 1st birthday together.
With their temperament to take one decent photo was a problem, but still I am very happy with them as they are developing beautifully. A year ago when they were born, I had no idea how happy I would be to have them all together close by.
In the middle is our star winner Rosmary, who won BOJ and BOB at her first show

On 18th May 2024 we took part with Nollen, Missy, Nanette, Rosalie and Rosmary in Club show in Veľké Úľany, where we were able to get beautiful awards.
Nollen: Excellent 1, CAC, Club Winner, BOB
Missy: Excellent 1, CAC, Club Winner
Nanette: Excellent 1, CAJC, Junior Club Winner, BOJ and BOS
Rosmary: Excellent 1, CAJC, Club Junior Winner, BOJ and BOB
Rosalie: Excellent 2
The show was attended by our other offspring
Lorien - Excellent 2, res.CAC
Lorellay - Excellent 1, CAC
Ruben - Excellent 2
and daughter of our Angelo -Tesy - Excellent 1, CAC
On 17th February 2024 we took part in Pribina Cup Nitra with Dylka and Nollen, where we met again Beatka and our Stella.
This time we managed to win beautiful awards. Dylka finished the title Champion of Slovakia and Stellka finished Grand Champion of Slovakia
Nollen: Excellent 1, CAC, res CACIB
Dylka: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Stellka: Excellent 1, CAC
In December 2023 Jadinka and I attended the SantNicolaus Cup Nitra show where we met Beatka and our Stella and enjoyed a nice time together.
Jadinka managed to get beautiful titles all three days of the show and also Junior Champion of Slovakia, Nitradog Junior winner and Nitradog junior Super winner
Exhibition weekend at the exhibition Duodanube Bratislava 19.-20. August 2023
Nollen, Dylka and Missy proved their qualities in very hot weather and won beautiful awards.
Romaunt If I Ain't Got You "Nollen" - junior class -Exc.1, CAJC. Junior CACIB, Junior BOB - finished Junior Championship SK
middle class - Exc1, CAC, res CACIB - started Championship Sk
Lanamore Diamond Dew Delilah - open class - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Lananore Mighty Miracle Missy - junior class - Exc.1, CAJC, Junior CACIB
junior class - Exc.1, CAJC, Junior CACIB, Junior BOB, BOS - finished Junior Championship SK
Son of Angelo - Dexter z Drválovského revíru - both days - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Daughter of our Bucky - Tennessie Morrison - both days - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB
Special Club Exhibition Kamenný Mlyn - 5 August 2023
We participated with our three girls Dylka, Missy and Nanette and won some lovely awards.
Lanamore Diamond Dew Delilah "Dylka" - Ex.1, CAC. Winner of the BOS Special Exhibition
Lanamore Mighty Miracle Missy - Exc. 1, CAJC, Junior Winner Special Show
Lanamore New Noblesse Nanette - Very promising 1st
The son of our Angelo - Démant z Drválovského revíru won beautiful awards V1, CVAC, VŠV, BOB
And likewise, the son of our Herriot - Erbo z Derválovského revíru won - V1, CAJC, Youth VŠV, BOJ, Junior BIS3
Club Dogshow Radošina
On Saturday 20.5.2023, Dylka, Nollen and Missy took part in the FCI 7 all-breed club show in Radošin.
We achieved beautiful results:
Romaunt If I Ain't Got You "Nollen" in the youth class
Excellent 1, CAJC, Junior Club Winner, Junior Best of Breed and Best of Breed
Lanamore Diamond Dew Delilah "Dylka" in the open class
Excellent 1, CAC, Club winner, Best of Opposite sex
Lanamore Mighty Miracle Missy "Miška" in the junior class
Excellent 1, CAJC, Junior Club Champion
International Dogshow
Spring Danube Bratislava
Nollen's first eDogshow and an immediate hit in the black.
In the junior class - Excellent 1, CAJC, Junior-CACIB,
Junior Best of Breed
We met our Stellka and her owner Beatka - Lanamore Imagine Icon Istella
in the open class - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB and Best of Breed
We were pleased to meet our Lorien and his owners and friend Helenka and her Purry.
My friend Ivanka helped me a lot with the handling of Nollen.
Our little Missy was only at the show like visitor, she was a bit scared at first, but then she calmed down.
We also met Angel's daughter Contessa from the Drválovský district and her owner Petra and breeder Jana. Tesy looks a lot like her grandmother Lana and is very successful at shows and at work.
On August 3rd, we were pleased with the visit of Vierka and her sons Samek and Oliver, together with Miška and little Matejko, they stirred up our stagnant waters a little and brought a lot of fun and laughter. We thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to seeing you again soon. The boys were adorable, Dylka could barely catch her breath with joy, and little Nollen showed canistherapy tendencies.
Nice weekend in Club Dogshow in Slavkov 7.5.2022
Beautiful saturday in Slavkov ans meeting with our friends and our puppies from Angelo an Delilah
We won "Best of kennels" 2 place
Lana won "Best of veterans"
Delilah won open class exc.1, CAC
Our kennel Lanamore won second place from 7 kennels
Some photos from Dogshow
Krystal and Kristoph on Dogshows
Photos from owners of Krystal an Kristoph
The last weekend of October we were visited by friends from Prosenice (CZ) Ruženka and Mirek with their daughter Evička, AS Rafka and Dexter, son of Angelo.
We had a beautiful weekend and at the end we took one family photo.
On October 30, 2021, our Gordy fulfilled the last condition for breeding, passing hunting tests of T.A.N. and thus became one of the other breeding bitches IRWS in Slovakia and in our kennel.

I am very happy with our beautiful and clever dogs.
Once again we experienced another triple success at the most prestigious Wold DogShow in Brno.
Our beauties succeeded in a number of registered dogs - IRWS 23 and ES 59.
Coco Chanel Lanamore Lymarkos - champion class - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS World Winner 2021
Lanamore Huge Hope Herriot - junior class - Exc.1, CAJC, Junior BOB, World Junior Winner 2021
Lanamore Diamond Dew Daenerys - open class - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, World Winner 2021
Lanamore Alpha Edition Angelo - champion class - V3
More photos from the show and meeting with friends soon

Here are some photos from the show and from the meeting with Deni and Herriot and their owners. They both posed nicely for me, so I took a few photos to commemorate this important and successful day.

Together with owners of our Lanamore´s

Photos from exhibition rings
Coco with Veronika and Angelo, Deny and Gordy with Anička
Some portraits of Daenerys and Herriot
On Friday, September 24, 2021, we participated in the International Triple Dogshow in Nitra
We have triple success and triple Best .
Our three females finished three championships.
LANAMORE Faith Flame Flaviola "Flayr" - open class - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS - finished Champion of Slovakia
LANAMORE Great Grace Gordana "Gordy" - working class - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB - finished Champion of Slovakia
LANAMORE Huge Hope Honesty "Honey" - junior class - Exc.1, CAJC, BOJ - finished Junior Champion of Slovakia

Our three-week show marathon ended at the DuoDanube Bratislava exhibition on August 20-21, 2021, where little Honey won beautiful awards again for the first time at the international exhibition.
Excellent1, CAJC, Junior BOB and BOS
It was a beautiful gift for her first birthday !!

At the same time we had a beautiful weekend with friends
On August 15th, Angel and Coco participated in the International Dog Show DuoCacib Brno.
Both Angelo and Coco won beautiful titles:
Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Angelo fulfilled the last condition for the title of Champion of Czech Republic.
Coco fulfilled the last condition for the title of Interchampion C.I.E.
In Brno we met Cocolka's brothers Crick and Blis

On August 7, 2021, Honey and Flayr and I participated in the Special Club Show in Kamenný Mlyn
It was the first show of our little Honey and the judge Jozef Pál gave her a beautiful report and titles:
Excellent 1, CAJC, Junior Club Winner, Junior BOB, BOS and BIS3
Flayr also received the title:
Excellent 1, CAC
and thus approached the next step in winning the championship.

After a one-year break, we again got to the beautiful and prestigious dogshow MSKAO in Slavkov 10.7.2021
We won beautiful victories and many awards.
Due to my physical indisposition, I am grateful to my friends Janka, Ruženka, Evička and Lenka for showing my dogs.
Our kennel Lanamore became 1 prize - the best breeding group.

Angelo won a beautiful award in the champion class
Excellent 1, CAC, Club Winner, BOB
Gordana was in Slavkov for the first time with a beautiful result
Our Cocolka received an award for the third time in Slavkov

After the corona year we managed to get back to the International DogExpo Nitra 8.a 9.7.2021
Flayr won 2x Excellent 1, 2x CAC for the first time in the intermediate class

Bucky's daughter Tennessee Morrison also won
Excellent 1, CAC, res.CACIB at Dogshow Expo Nitra

Together with Nessinka's owners Ruženka and Mirek, we spent a nice show weekend
On June 12, 2021, Gordy and I took part in a Specialy club dogshow in Kamenný Mlyn.
Judge Júlia Pataki gave Gordy a beautiful report and titles: Excellent 1, CAC, Club Winner, BOB and BIS 4
Gordy fulfilled another condition for breeding.
Unfortunately, the photographer did not add any photos from this exhibition

On 8th.August.2020 we met with friend in
Specialy clubdogshow in Kamenny Mlyn
We become many beautiful awards:
Coco Chanel Lanamore Lymarkos -Exc. 1 CAC
Lanamore Faith Flame Fergus - Exc1. CAJC
Lanamore Great Grace Gordana - Very prom. 1
Lanamore Faith Flame Falco - Exc.2
Lanamore Faith Flame Fallon - Exc. 3
Lanamore Faith Flame Flaviola - Exc. 4
Tennessee Morrison(Bucky´s daughter) - Exc. 3
Our nice meeting in ClubDogshow FCI 7 on 22.2.2020 in Nitra
From left side:
Lanamore Faith Flame Fallon "Arwen" (daughter of our Odetka and Darcy) - only visit in show
Coco Chanel Lanamore Lymarkos - champion class - exc.2, res CAC
Redmore Debbie - working class - Exc-1, CAC -fulfilled all breeding conditions in Slovak pointer setterClub
Aeron zo Splavu z Hoste (son of our Bucky and Flora) - intermediate class - Exc.1, CAC
Tennessee Morrison (daughter of our Bucky and Janis) - Junior class - Exc.1, CAJC, Junior Club winner- female, Junior BOB
Janis Joplin Morrison - only visit in show
Eliott Morrison - only visit in show
Lucksheray Pure Soul - Junior class - Exc,1, CAJC, Junior Club Winner-male
Lanamore Faith Flame Flaviola (daughter of our Odetka and Darcy) - puppy class - Very promissing 1
Roxy Morrison - only visit in show

NitraDog 26 January 2020
Coco - Champion class - Exc.1, CAC,CACIB,BOB

International Dogshow Bratislava 18.August 2019
In this show participated Angelo, Coco and Deli with Darcy, the father of our puppies from the litter Faith Flame, his owner, my good friend Helenka, warned just born puppies in our home.At this show Coco won both days BOB and finished like Darcy Championship Sk
Angel managed to get the BOB and CACIB needed to complete the C.I.E.

Club Dogshow Sládkovičovo May 2019
Coco - Exc.1, CAC
Angelo - Exc 1, CAC
Delilah - Exc.1, CAJC, Junior club winner, Junior BOB, BOS
Very nice meeting with friends and their dogs
Darcy - father of our Faith Flame litter - Exc.3
Aeron - Bucky´s sohn -Very promissing 1
Baška - Lana´s daughter - Exc.1, CAC, Club winner
Crick - Coco´s brother - Exc.1, CAC
Paddy - father of our Huge Hope litter - Exc.1, CAC, Club winner, BOB
At the Special Club Show in August 2018, we had considerable success
Bucky - champion class - Exc.1, CAC, Club winner, BOB and res.BIS - second best dog of the show
Coco - junior class - Exc.1, CAJC, Junior Club Winner, Junior BOB, BOS and Junior BIS - best young dog of the show
Bucky and Coco won the most beautiful couple in Dogshow
I am happy very nice meeting with our friends
Two Dogshows in one August weekend 2017
Bucky - International show Mladá Boleslav - champion class - Exc.2, res.CAC
Club show Zákupy - open class -Exc.1
Of course a nice meeting with friends, Helenka, Paulínka and with family Pajkic, thei are the owners of Bucky's father Darsy.
And I must not forget the pleasant accommodation on Šibeničný vrch in Mnichovice.
We brought our Cocolka home from this trip.

On Saturday, May 6, 2017, we participated with Lana, Bucky and Angelo of the Club Show MSKAO in Slavkov u Brna
Angelo's beautiful debut at the MSKAO Club Show in Slavkov u Brna ended in great success.
Puppy class - Very promising 1 - BIS - Best puppy of show !!!
It is Angelo's very successful debut and a great success for our kennel.

Lana and Bucky awards at the Club show in Slavkov
Lana - Champion triena -Excellent 1, CAC, BOS, Club winner
Bucky - Champion class - Excellent 2, res.CAC

At the International Dogshow in Nitra 14.-15. 1. 2017 Bucky finished his championship and became Slovak champion of beauty and at the International Dogshow in Bratislava 1-2.4.2017 Lana finished her Interchampion and became the first Interchampion of her breed in Slovakia

Our three weekends show marathon ended again with several cups and medals in our collection.
7.8. 2016 Special club show Kamenný Mlyn
Bellanice Artegerd "Lana" - Exc.1, CAC, BOB, Winner of Special Club Show 2016
Khyannes Buckshot "Bucky" - Exc.1, CAC
Odeta od Alpského protěže "Odie" - Výb.2
13.8. 2016 International dog show InterBohemia Mladá Boleslav
Khyannes Buckshot "Bucky" - Exc.1, CAJC, BOJ
20.-21.8. 2016 International dog show DuoDanube Bratislava Day 1 Bellanice Artegerd "Lana" - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Khyannes Buckshot "Bucky" - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Day 2 - Bellanice Artegerd "Lana" - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Khyannes Buckshot "Bucky" - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
I would like to thank the nice handlers Veronika Olešovská and Jitka Svobodová for the beautiful presentation of my pets at the time of my health indisposition.

KHYANNES BUCKSHOT "BUCKY" - Finished his Junior Championship at the National Show of All Breeds in Nitra June 10, 2016
Awards won: Excellent 1, CAJC and BOJJumior champion of the Slovak Republic

BELLANICE ARTEGERD "Lana" finished her championship on June 11st 2016 at the International Show CACIB GRAND PRIX Slovakia Nitra and became GRAND Champion of Slovakia
Awards: Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

Combined Dogshow of Slovak Pointers and Setters club and Special Show VII. group FCI 22.5.2016 in Dunajská Lužná
Our awards: LANA - Excellent 1, CAC, BOS and Club winner
BUCKY - Excellent 1, CAJC, BOJ, BOB, Junior Club Winner, BIS in pointing English dogs, Winner of the traveling club cup
ODIE - Excellent
I am very proud of my pets for the achieved results